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Video Insights

February 22, 2011

Web Video for B2B business is becoming more prominent than ever. More video is being watched on a daily basis and it isn’t just comedy based videos or people falling down. In October 2010, a majority of business people who were surveyed by Forbes said they watched more online video than a year earlier. Nearly 60% claimed to watch video before reading the text on the same web page!<!–mep-nl–><!–mep-nl–>Web video has broadened its horizon into the business place creating valuable content for websites, boosting conversions and adding to lead creation.<!–mep-nl–><h3>“Time is Money – Reading vs. Watching”</h3><!–mep-nl–>Time is of the essence and if you could get all the same information and have a highly likelihood of retaining it, wouldn’t you want to? Video has higher information retention over reading. As a business, you also have the opportunity to demonstrate your complex b2b business, product, or brand instead of just telling them.<!–mep-nl–><h3>Personality, what makes you… well you!</h3><!–mep-nl–>”In the consumer world, most people know the personality or corporate identity of large companies. Except for frequent clients, that’s not true in the B2B world.” Web video allows you to show your company’s personality. Demonstrate who you really are, what you stand for and how you can help your consumers. People buy from other people, therefore you want to create trust by revealing your personality.<!–mep-nl–><!–mep-nl–>Forrester research predicts that websites will start becoming rich in video. Virtual demonstrations and video FAQs are a few features that will help your business sell complicated products and services in a way that is easy to understand by your visitors.<!–mep-nl–><!–mep-nl–>”A web video can essentially sit online and “pitch” prospects 24/7/365, always delivering the right message at the right time.  It can be hosted on popular video sites like YouTube, emailed to hundreds of new prospects, or looped on a big screen at a trade show. Wherever it’s used, it’s consistent, inexpensive, and doesn’t require commission for a sale.” –<!–mep-nl–><h3>But are executives really watching video?</h3><!–mep-nl–>According to the same survey mentioned earlier by Forbes, Three-quarters of all executives said they watched work-related videos on business websites at least once a week, and more than half did the same on YouTube. As executives get younger, video will only become more prominent in the business place.<!–mep-nl–><!–mep-nl–>There is so much you can do with video to enhance user experience, increase conversions, and jump up on SEO rankings. Why wouldn’t you want to participate?

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