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Top 3 Tips to Creating a Landing Page that Converts

October 18, 2012

Creating a landing page should not be a guessing game

Believe it or not, there are tried and true methods that will lead to a better converting landing page.  That’s not to say there aren’t many areas to consider, and because of that many people can get confused when they are creating a landing page.

We say keep it simple.

Remember, while building your page keep one goal in mind.  Everything on the page should guide the visitor exactly where you want them to go.

Use these 3 tips to help your landing page convert like never before…

1. First impressions matter

Like all websites a professional appearance is crucial, and landing pages are certainly no different.  Most visitors make the decision to dig deeper into what you’re offering or leave, in a matter of seconds.  Reflect your brand’s point-of-view and grab visitor’s attention through your landing page’s design.  However, don’t forget that at the end of the day you want conversions.  So be sure visitors’ eyes are guided towards your main point for the page.

2. Avoid long and confusing forms

We’ve all seen it… a long tedious online form we are required to fill out to get a to a second page.  Don’t fall into the trap of having too many fields in your form.  At the sight of a long form most visitors will be scared and leave.  So, keep forms as simple as possible never ask for details that you don’t absolutely need.  To collect extra data like what keywords a visitor used to find your landing page use a hidden field.

3. Clear call to action (Make your call to action stand out)

Step one is to always be sure you have a call to action on every landing page.  This should be the focus or goal of creating the page in the first place.

A clear call to action is a proven way to maximize the conversions of your landing page.  If you are asking visitors to give up their personal information in exchange for signing up, make it easy to understand why they are doing so.  Don’t be afraid of longer more descriptive headlines that will grab your visitors attention.  This is a case where more information can help visitors feel at ease in knowing what they are getting into.

Let these tips guide you to start creating landing pages that actually earn you money.

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