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Publicize Your Website with Co-Branding on Physical Products

April 25, 2007

Diaper Genie MarketingThis quick action list for co-branding your website with other companies’ physical products comes to you, thanks to my new baby girl. I cleaned out the diaper genie for the first time this morning and noticed underneath the bag, in the bottom of the pail was an ad for a company that reviews developmental toys. They had a special offer which only allowed users to take advantage by visiting their website.

Pure genius to put it inside the pail! When I open a package to assemble a product, I briefly glance at each piece of paper and quickly discern what are instructions/warranties/etc, and what are ads. The ads never get another look. By ebeanstalk placing the ad where they did, each purchaser was guaranteed to look at it, and would most likely take it out of the pail. At this time I’d imagine they are more likely to check the site, than if they are just getting ready to assemble a package, and they are in the parenting mindset.

Taking Action with Cobranding

  1. Create a list of related, but noncompetitive companies & products
  2. Find out what physical products that they have
  3. brainstorm innovative ways to get your direct mail piece viewed if you were able to get it packaged with the product.
  4. Contact the vendor to see if they are willing to add it. There will probably be some cost for this, but you may be able to barter if you can reciprocate with something of value.
  5. Create a direct mail piece with a special offer code that you can track back to your product, or a special url like, “Take our sales self test at
  6. Test the direct mail piece with the use of pay-per-click advertising to get quick feedback on it’s success rate.
  7. Submit the direct mail piece to the company for inclusion
  8. Monitor your results via a quality analytics package
  9. Rake in money and laugh all the way to the bank

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