New Look, Improved Conversion, and Lead Followup – Asher Strategies Redesign
May 15, 2011
Earlier this week we launched the redesigned
Here are some of the highlights:
New Design – Cleaner, modern, faster
Newly Relaunched Asher Site
Updated the look while staying within their existing brand, and adding a cleaner more modern flair to the design:
- Removed the navigational flash and homepage flash for improved SEO, and cross device compatibility
- Removed the large inner page banners to get the copy/CAT higher on the page
- Use of big obvious link buttons for easier usability and navigation
- Simplified, more corporate looking homepage.
Asher Before
Organization and Product Presentation
We spent a lot of time working with Asher to truly understand their training offerings, how they sell it, and how their customers buy it.
This translated to the new site by using the billboard and main menu to focus on the three big areas of their service: Aptitude Assessments, Sales Training, and Comprehensive Sales Consulting. This presentation also reinforces their core sales strategy that these three components work together and are sold progressively.
Deeper within the site, this becomes clearer through more customer centric copy, preview content (sample assessment reports, videos of actual trainings) and better page organization.
Clear actions – We must tell them what to do
When working with a sales training company, leads become a top priority. With huge pay-per-click success so far (have a landing page converting near 20%), we wanted to bring those same ideas to the organic site traffic.
- Converted 2 articles into premium whitepapers for lead collection
- Integrated sidebar with clear, concise actions (not all for leads though)
- Developed a sample report to preview the aptitude assessment reporting
- Developing a ‘demo’ on the aptitude assessments
- Tracking phone number in header
Lead Follow-up
One of the new additions to our process is advanced lead tracking, scoring and follow-up. Partnering with the Pursuit Group to manage the sales funnel and marketing automation the follow-up messaging has already proved to be a vital asset. Combined with the core sales knowledge of Asher Strategies, they are sales trainers, and we are quickly on our way to an airtight sales funnel.
Up next – Testing
Although we will be watching traffic patterns and user behavior over the next month, we’re beginning to layout a plan for the first round of testing. We’ll use this first month as a baseline to develop longer term KPIs, and to identify the pages that need work, or the pages that have the potential to convert more.
Ideas for initial tests:
- Different whitepaper offers in right sidebar
- Alternate homepage banners (with John Photo, without)
- Download page testing (form, copy, headlines)
Let us know what you think on the redesign in the comments, or other ideas on how to improve this site even more.