Honestly Ask Yourself, ‘What is Our Digital Marketing Strategy?’

How well does it integrate with our overall business growth initiatives and existing marketing plan? What is the ROI our current internet marketing is delivering?

Smart Insights reports that 46% of businesses are ‘doing digital marketing, but have no defined strategy’, and only 10% have a 2-3 year vision or strategic plan. Although the digital space is moving quick, you need a strategy that is designed around your unique product set and market.

digital marketing

Understanding Your Business

We look for partners, and with that mindset, we want to understand as much of your business as possible. During the proposal process we learn basic information and get a sense of the competitive landscape, but there are three key things we do:


Closely review direct (and indirect) competitors: products, marketing strategies, offers, websites, social activity, rankings & traffic, messaging, marketing position and anything else that will impact our approach and goals.

Learn Your Buyers

Knowing your buying cycle and how customers research your company, along with buyer personas is vital for developing content, appropriate conversion tools and sales follow-up.

Product Knowledge

We don't plan on becoming product experts, but do need a core understanding of what makes your product unique and the solutions it solves to develop messaging that connects. We're pretty technical in nature, so we're used to complex products.

Defining the Measures of Success

Increasing closed deals, orders shipped, and projects booked are the end of the day goals, but it takes a succinct set of metrics and KPIs to measure progress, wins and adjustments.

Understanding Your ROI

Simply put, we work backwards from your growth goals to understand how to guarantee your ROI (learn more about our guarantee). We have a more complex worksheet, but the end result are sales, lead generation, and traffic metrics to work from.

Goals and KPIs

With a set of raw goals, we develop a high level of set KPIs to measure and monitor progress of the project. Some examples can include:

  • Traffic
  • Phone Calls
  • Raw Email Leads
  • Qualified Prospects
  • Sales Intent Actions
  • Rankings
  • Conversion Rates
  • Engagement Metrics

Taking Visitors To Leads

Directing the Right Audience

What mix of sources and channels will deliver the target audience? PPC for quick targeted results, SEO for long-term rankings and traffic are just the tip of the iceberg. We research, find your potential customers and deliver. Read more on how we generate traffic.

Educate & Engage

82% of research is done online BEFORE contacting a potential vendor. What tools and types of content are your buyers yearning for? What challenges and problems do you help them solve and how can we help them on their journey. More on how to develop an engaging website


Working conversion and conversion rates is the fastest and most direct way to increasing your revenue and generating more leads. So often, management teams just care about traffic, or users per month. That’s where we step in. B2B conversion rate optimization

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