Usability: The ease with which a user may interpret information and complete a set of tasks.
Usability: The ease with which a user may interpret information and complete a set of tasks.
Visitor (aka user): An Internet user who accesses a webpage. (We prefer calling them a customer)
WYSIWYG Editor stands for “What you see is what you get” a type of web page editor that uses features similar to paint programs to construct a page without requiring the user directly code in HTML.
Adsense Sandbox: Online tool by that gives sample Google Adsense ads for a particular keyword.
Google Adsense: A contextual ad serving program run by Google that shares revenue from per-click Adwords ads with the websites where they appear.
Above the Fold (aka ATF): The area of a web page that can be seen without scrolling down. The most important content of a page should be listed here. ATF content receives the most attention from users (being that it is immediately viewed without action on the viewers part), hence extra attention in search algorithms.
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