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Searching for answers in all the Web places…

If we value the pursuit of knowledge, we must be free to follow wherever that search may lead us. –Adlai E. Stevenson Jr. Anyone out there old enough to recall what life was like before the big search engines like Google, Yahoo Search and Microsoft offered the enormous virtual pathway to knowledge that has forever […]

Welcome James Family Chiropractic in Summerville SC

We’d like to welcome James Family Chiropractic of Summerville, South Carolina to the Avalanche family. Dr Justin James is a dynamic speaker and motivator for overall health and wellness in addition to his chiropractic skills and presents to groups all across the Charleston SC Metro area. If you live in the Summerville area and suffer […]

Lower Your Pay-Per-Click Costs with Customized Domain Names

Edit: Google put the squash on this one, as of April 2008, your display URL must match your destination URL. Of course, you could get around this by using domain pointers, so long as these other URLs don’t get indexed (duplicate content issues). In other words, if you want to try this, be sure you […]

Publicize Your Website with Co-Branding on Physical Products

This quick action list for co-branding your website with other companies’ physical products comes to you, thanks to my new baby girl. I cleaned out the diaper genie for the first time this morning and noticed underneath the bag, in the bottom of the pail was an ad for a company that reviews developmental toys. […]

10 Reasons I Will Link to You

Because you have something interesting to say Because I like your perspective on events relative to my industry Because I hate your perspective on events relative to my industry Because you have a great tool on your website that makes my life easier Because you have compiled a great list of resources to make my […]

Google Drops the Google-bomb

For some years now Internet Marketing consultants have used the example of George Bush’s bio being inexorably linked to the keyword phrase “miserable failure” as an example of the power of anchor text in classifying material. Google seems to have found a way to automatically fix these manipulations of their results. What impact does that […]

Does Your Company’s Internet Marketing Strategy Rule the Roost? Check the Chicken Chart.

<img class=”alignright” border=”1″ id=”image225″ src=”” alt=”eggsh7.jpg” />I was shooting the breeze with a burgeoning SEO consultant who we’ll call “Andre,” when he shared the following:<!–mep-nl–><blockquote>I find the biggest challenge for me is trying to get the message across of how beneficial SEO can be. I live in a suburb and I think businesses around here […]

Repackaging Results to Add Value

We started the “top 25” blog list a few weeks ago for the best Search Engine Optimization and Search Engine Marketing blogs. Just recently released their own version of a “top 25” the other day with a ton of extra metrics added to it for all the super-nerds like myself that want to see […]

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