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Happy New Year for the WSI B2B Marketing Team

We would like to take this opportunity to wish all our clients and friends a Happy New Year from the team here at WSI B2B Marketing We are resolved to keep working hard for your success.  All year long we strive to be the best we can, working dilegnetly to increase the ROI for all […]

Top 3 Tips to Creating a Landing Page that Converts

Creating a landing page should not be a guessing game Believe it or not, there are tried and true methods that will lead to a better converting landing page.  That’s not to say there aren’t many areas to consider, and because of that many people can get confused when they are creating a landing page. […]

Google Webmaster Guidelines Updated – Then and Now

Google recently announced updates to their webmaster guidelines. WSI B2B Marketing is looking at what is in store for marketers and how the new Google webmaster guidelines differ from earlier. Google announced a new set of webmaster guidelines on October 3, 2012 on their webmaster central blog. According to Google, their motto behind releasing these new […]

10 Email Marketing Best Practices for B2B Businesses

Existing customers and warm leads are the lifeblood of any business.  Email Marketing is an extremely flexible and cost efficient way to communicate with your audience.  You can acutely target your message in order to maximize deliverability and improve communication.  Staying in touch with them is critical to the growth of your business. Standing out […]

Digital, Internet Marketing Budget – How Much Do We Invest to Stay Competitive?

This is an update to a very popular blog post from a couple of years ago. We are still trying to answer the question “how much should we be spending on Digital or Internet Marketing Budget, now including social media and all the other new branding and lead generation tools. Is there a benchmark?” There […]

Google Grant Funding – Helping Non-Profits Internet Marketing Reach

The Hemangioma Treatment Foundation case study If you are raising money for your non-profit and have a strong Internet Marketing Strategy, you should consider the Google Grant program for an additional source of help. This online advertising tool is helping non-profits with their Internet Marketing reach. The Hemangioma International Treatment Foundation has benefited from Google […]

5 Reasons B2B Companies Need A Mobile Website Today!

It’s totally clear to every businessperson today that mobile websites are the way of the future. In fact, they are here TODAY for leading companies in every market. Sales between businesses will be no different in the era of mobile computing; in fact B2B sales and advertising via mobile websites will usher in a dimension […]

How LinkedIn is Actually Going to Benefit Your B2B Company. (Hint: Connections are only a Small Part)

Two nights ago I attended a social media panel/networking event, which ended up being rather enjoyable and not just because of the free food and drink. The topic of the night was Pinterest and Facebook, and how to use them for your business. Once the panel opened up to the floor for questions I noticed […]

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