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Hits: A commonly misunderstood statistic that counts the number of times files are accessed on a website. Each image is counted with the page itself. Ignore any site that tries to use Hits as a metric of its visitor count.

Home Directory

Home Directory: The directory that contains the main, or index page for a website.


HTML (aka Hypertext markup language): Programming language used to markup web content for display in a browser.


Hyperlink: A graphic or text string that, when clicked by the user, takes the user to a new web page. For maximum SEO value, text hyperlinks (text links) are preferred.

Image Map

Image Map: An image with several hotspots, or regions that point to different hyperlinks. Clicking on the area will activate these hyperlinks. Some search engines do not index these well, as they provide opportunities for spamming. However, they still provide value to the user, if used correctly. Additional text links should be used to supplement […]


Impression: Number of times that link is displayed for particular user query. An impression is recorded each time link to the web page is shown to user. Used in many Internet advertising metrics.


Index: A database of web pages stored and ranked by each search engine.


Indexing: the process of converting information into a database which may be ranked for various criteria.

Internet Protocol Address

Internet Protocol Address (aka IP address): A unique number used to identify each computer connected to the Internet. IP Addresses are assigned in blocks to countries and specific providers which allows identification of the specific location of either the visitor, or the website. This address may remain the same (static IP), or may change (dynamic […]

Internet Service Provider

Internet Service Provider aka ISP: A company that provides Internet access to an individual or a company. ISPs lease connections from Internet backbone providers

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