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Indexing: the process of converting information into a database which may be ranked for various criteria.

Internet Protocol Address

Internet Protocol Address (aka IP address): A unique number used to identify each computer connected to the Internet. IP Addresses are assigned in blocks to countries and specific providers which allows identification of the specific location of either the visitor, or the website. This address may remain the same (static IP), or may change (dynamic […]

Internet Service Provider

Internet Service Provider aka ISP: A company that provides Internet access to an individual or a company. ISPs lease connections from Internet backbone providers


Javascript: Script language developed by Netscape that may be embedded into HTML code to provide additional functionality to websites. Javascript is processed on the Internet user’s computer instead of the server. Two points to consider when using Javascript are that search engines do not index (or comprehend) Javascript, and that a small percentage of Internet […]

KEI aka Keyword Effectiveness Index

KEI aka Keyword Effectiveness Index: Wordtracker measurement combining the search frequency of a keyword and the level of competition. Higher KEI values for a keyword means that a site is more popular, but has less competition, relative to other keywords.


Keyword(s): A word or phrase used to query the search engine index for related data. Pages that match the keyword, or are determined to be relevant are ranked by the search engine algorithm, and then presented to the user. The goal of the SEO is to consider the keyword phrases that may be entered by […]

Keyword Density

Keyword Density: A previously used metric to determine the rankings of a web page which measures the ratio of a particular keyword or phrase to the overall number of words on a page. Susceptible to spamming (and a lousy method of determining relevancy), this is not used for rankings. Keyword density may, however be used […]

Keyword Meta Tag

Keyword Meta Tag: A meta tag formerly used by all search engines that listed the keywords for a particular page. As search engines improved and spamming of these tags increased by webmasters, search engines dropped them from their algorithms. Yahoo is the only major search engine that admits to considering the Keyword Meta Tag, although […]

Keyword Popularity

Keyword Popularity: Quantity of searches done for a particular keyword over a specific period of time. These statistics may be found various keyword tools including Google Keyword tool, Wordtracker, and the Overture Keyword Suggestion Tool.

Keyword Prominence

Keyword Prominence: The location of a keyword phrase within a webpage. Keyword phrases should appear early, and regularly within the content.

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