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Mirror Sites

Mirror Sites: An identical website on a different server and domain. Large websites may use this (open source community especially, for downloads) to balance heavy server loads. Some web owners also practice this to generate more search engine results. Search engines have become more able to detect this practice, and penalize pages that have a […]

Onpage Optimization

Onpage Optimization: Factors that exist within the website’s pages. Keyword placement, title and meta tags, network and linking structure, content, etc.

Offpage Optimization

Offpage Optimization: Includes factors that do not exist on the owner’s webpage. Backlinks and the anchor text within them are primary factors.

Outbound Links

Outbound Links: A link from one webpage pointing at another webpage.

Pagerank (aka PR)

Pagerank(aka PR) – One of the methods used by Google to determine the relevance or importance of a web page. A link to a web page counts as a vote of support. The more votes received, the more important a webpage is perceived to be. The Pagerank is a logarithmic function of the level of […]

Page Views

<p>Page Views Aka Counter measuring each time a webpage is viewed, irrespective of the identity of the visitor.</p><!–mep-nl–><!–mep-nl–><p>Example:</p><!–mep-nl–><!–mep-nl–><p>Surfer A visits one page of a two-page website = 1 page view</p><!–mep-nl–><p>Surfer B visits both pages of a site, viewing one of the pages twice = 3 page views.</p><!–mep-nl–><p>Surfer C visits one page of the site, leaves […]


Pagejacking: Black-hat SEO technique of using content from another website without the original website’s consent, with the purpose of improving ranking. Whereas most black-hat techniques violate ethical standards, this violates copyright laws.

Paid Inclusion

Paid Inclusion: Payment to a search engine or directory to be listed with their service. Most worthy search engines will find you with their robots through incoming links. Paid inclusion may be helpful in some directories if they provide traffic.

Pay-per-click (PPC) advertising

Pay-per-click (PPC) advertising: Method by which an advertiser pays an agreed-upon rate to a website owner for each time that the advertiser’s link is clicked, resulting in directing the user to the advertiser’s website. This method of advertising can provide highly targeted traffic. PPC advertising also provides the advertiser with excellent ability to track results, […]

Pay-per-click (PPC) advertising

Pay-per-click (PPC) advertising: Method by which an advertiser pays an agreed-upon rate to a website owner for each time that the advertiser’s link is clicked, resulting in directing the user to the advertiser’s website. This method of advertising can provide highly targeted traffic. PPC advertising also provides the advertiser with excellent ability to track results, […]

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