Below the Fold: content on a web page that requires the user to scroll down to view it
Bid Management Tool
Bid Management Tool Aka software to assist pay-per-click users in managing multiple ad campaigns. Additional features may include the ability to interface with multiple PPC engines, monitoring of competitor bids, click analysis (monitor click fraud), and others.
Black-Hat SEO
Black-Hat SEO: A general term for search engine optimization practices that concentrate on manipulation of search engine algorithms to enhance rankings, or those that are deemed unethical by the Internet Marketing industry. Unethical search engine optimization techniques have been defined within the search community as violating the search engine’s terms of use / guidelines, heavy […]
Blind Traffic
Blind Traffic – Low-quality visitors that reach a site through misleading links or spam. These rarely convert to sales, hence webmasters should seek extremely targeted traffic that is looking for website’s product.
Broken Link (aka Dead Link)
Broken Link (aka Dead Link): A link that does not point to a visitable destination. Common causes of this are deletion or renaming of a file, or moving files between directories. Using absolute URLs can reduce risk of the latter cause.
Bulk Submission Services
Bulk Submission Services: Software that submits a website’s URL to many search engines or directories automatically. These services are often poorly updated, and have spotty success rates due to updating from search engines and directories that confuses automatic scripts.
Cascading Style Sheets
Cascading Style Sheets – A standard of formatting web pages by defining formatting rules to various HTML, DHTML, or XML structural elements.
Click Fraud
Click Fraud: The act of clicking on a pay-per-click campaign without the intention of purchasing the product. This may be manually or artificially generated. There are several purposes behind click fraud, which include hurting competition by depleting their advertising budgets, increasing revenue owed to a webmaster for hosting pay-per-click ads (like an adwords member that […]
Click-Through – The action of a user clicking on a link that leads to another web page.
Click-Through-Rate (aka CTR)
Click-Through-Rate (aka CTR): Number of times that a link is clicks-through a link, divided by the number of times that the link is displayed. The CTR is a common statistic for determining the success of a particular advertisement to garner attention from site visitors.