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Need Good SEO/PPC Content Ideas for Your Product or Service? Try This.

One of the great challenges as a SEO or even pay per click campaign matures is to keep expanding the articles to reach as many people as possible. A business may look at the results in google’s keyword tool for their most-prized keywords and believe they are limited as to the number of potential clients/customers […]

Google Drops Another Local “Places Page” Bombshell – REVIEWS

Google just announced new changes to their Places Pages in the way they display reviews. Popular review sites such as Yelp, TripAdvisor, and our favorite Customer Lobby have been demoted to a link in the footer of the Places Page and on the local results listing. The bottom line is that in the Google search […]

Demand Accountability from Your "Brand" Advertising

A famous quote from John Wannamaker, a 19th century pioneer in advertising is: “Half the money I spend on advertising is wasted; the trouble is I don’t know which half.” A year or so ago I’m sitting in on a client meeting where a large business is doing their new year’s strategy session. Also in […]

Is Your Dealer Locator Deflating Your B2B Sales?

Dealer locators are commonplace on B2B websites. After all, many B2B purchases have complicated sales processes and/or require local ongoing support. Using a dealer network may help address these challenges. What is equally commonplace though, are B2B companies losing valuable opportunities to help potential buyers. This is due to an inherent flaw in dealer locators […]

New Look, Improved Conversion, and Lead Followup – Asher Strategies Redesign

Earlier this week we launched the redesigned Here are some of the highlights: New Design – Cleaner, modern, faster   Updated the look while staying within their existing brand, and adding a cleaner more modern flair to the design: Removed the navigational flash and homepage flash for improved SEO, and cross device compatibility Removed […]

The writing of Michael Chabon

I just finished reading “The Mysteries of Pittsburgh” written by Michael Chabon. I started reading it on the flight back from my honeymoon and have been hooked ever since. Now I must admit that I am not (unfortunately) one of those avid readers of novels that get hooked easily. But only this book and one […]

7 Simple Ways to Make Your Web Analytics Shine In the Boardroom

Usually, the bigger the business, the greater the means and desire to collect analytics. Color and perhaps even 3d reports and graphs fly off the printers and stuff our email inboxes all month – churning out data on the month’s activities. Then, the moment of truth, the managerial meeting in the boardroom. The CEO looks […]

How video is changing the Internet

With the uprising of Youtube, many companies are wondering, “how can we leverage this increasingly popular outlet?” What makes Youtube so successful? Well first of all – it’s completely accessible. But I think the strong point here is this mysterious desire of voyeurism. Combine the entertaining aspect of voyeurism with the accessibility that the Internet […]

Email Automation

Wouldn’t it be wonderful to be able to stay in touch with customers or potential customers on a regular basis?  What would make this even better is if it all happened automatically.  This is much easier to achieve than you might imagine.  With a robust but flexible email marketing system you can set up simple […]

Video Insights

Web Video for B2B business is becoming more prominent than ever. More video is being watched on a daily basis and it isn’t just comedy based videos or people falling down. In October 2010, a majority of business people who were surveyed by Forbes said they watched more online video than a year earlier. Nearly […]

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