This Christmas my employer bought each of his employees a FlipVideo by Cisco. I was thrilled. I had wanted to purchase a handy video recording device but the finances were needed elsewhere. Luckily our boss came through and now I’m sitting here with one of the most versatile and affordable hand held video cameras I’ve […]
The Experience Effect
<p>In “The Experience Effect”, author Jim Joseph talk about how to engage your audience with a consistent and memorable brand experience. While reading the book, I have really become aware of what brands I am loyal to and which brands I seem to resist, whether consciously or not. Joseph emphasizes because marketing is a spectator […]
Predictions for Social Media in 2011
Tim Ferris, author of The 4-Hour Workweek, took a stab at his predictions for social media marketing in 2011 on Social media marketing is still a new and poorly measured marketing tactic that has the vast majority of marketers constantly chatting on how to make it work for them. Here are four predictions from […]
Five Tips to Help Make Your Email Marketing Lists Really Work for You
Email marketing should be an integral part of your overall marketing strategy. It’s simple to use, easy to target the required audience, recognized globally, quick to deliver, and can generate a fast response from your target audience. No matter how catchy your subject line is or your calls to action, it will only work if […]
How Marketers are using Social Media in 2010
Flowtown – Social Media Marketing Application
Article Marketing Makes Sense for B2B Lead Generation?
What is the biggest problem most B2B companies have when trying to get new content on their website or blog? That’s right – who is going to write the content, and where are they going to find the time to accomplish this among their other responsibilities? I estimate 95% of businesses we run into struggle […]
Models of the new paradigm
The old 4 Ps of marketing In the era of mass marketing, the 4Ps were the holy grail of marketing for companies. Product Price Place Promotion These were the original four variables that marketing teams had to control to create customers and grow their businesses. It all revolves around getting people to buy what your […]
Targeting Local B2B Customers? Breaking News in Local Marketing from Google
Does your business benefit from b2b buyers in your local area? Even if your product or service can be sold nationally, it is often easier to close business in areas where your team can make more frequent face-to-face contacts. B2B companies also tend to have less focus on local search do to scalability concerns with […]
8 Great Reasons You Benefit from the Yahoo and Bing Paid Ad Merger
Yahoo has slowly been shifting exposure on their search engine and publishing network over to Bing ads, and now the switch is complete. If you advertised with Yahoo via pay per click ads, you must now sign up with Bing to keep the gravy train rolling. Is it worth your time? You bet, and here […]
Execution over Creativity
Execution Wins Out over Creative Messaging There were days, not so long ago, when the cutest, most creative mass advertising campaign won the day. Those branding messages like the Marlboro Man, Cap’n Crunch, or the Beetle (the original) worked great in the TV-Industrial age. There is no way that approach will work today. If you […]