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Roffer’s Ocean Fishing Forecasting Summary

Here is my summary of the ROFFS Ocean Current information on the spill and it’s movement in the Gulf. It just keeps getting worse! The overall size of the surface oil reported by ROFFS has grown by 300% in three weeks. See for yourself below: Surface oil continues to expand every week and move to […]

Tweeting and Posting the Way to a Better Image

Not surprisingly, we were not the first to notice BP’s use of social media resources to reach out to the public. Just after our first posts on the subject, on Friday, June 18th, NPR ran a segment on “All Things Considered” entitled, “Can BP Tweet Its Way to a Better Image?” Please listen here. Tweeting […]

Visible Oil Spill DOUBLES in Last Week – 15 June Update

I’ve started to summarize the Gulf offshore ocean current data from the oil spil for information while I update Blog readers on BP’s online marketing efforts. This data comes from Roffer’s Ocean Fishing Forecasting Service and is provided free as a public service. Any re-use of the data, please give a strong plug to the […]

How to Measure Internet Marketing ROI

Tracking Internet Marketing ROI is Important AND Possible. Follow this Four Step Plan and You will Be On Your Way to Measuring Marketing ROI (Online At Least) QUESTION 1: WHAT IS THE GOAL OF YOUR SITE and INDIVIDUAL PAGES? Your web site has value-generating goals– something that helps grow your organization. These goals should be […]

Business Owners – Learn A Lesson from Music Piracy!

Music Piracy Isn’t The Problem Resistance Is Futile The music industry is resisting change when it comes to music piracy, like book owners. Very few authors will get rich. Most of the money comes from the merchandising, movie deals, etc. So why is it that music industry is clinging so tenaciously to the music itself? […]

CSS Tips and Tricks – CSS Only Rounded Corners (no images used)

As a web developer one of my prime responsibilities is making sure our designs and code work throughout most major internet browsers.  This to me always seemed like such the daunting task and sometimes, it still is.  I’ve moved from full table designs to the wonderful table-less designs created through CSS.  I was slow to […]

Customer Service IS the New Marketing

Harry Gordon Selfridge, founder of London’s Selfridges store, coined the phrase “The Customer is Always Right”.  Selfridge wanted to make the customer feel special and give quality customer service. Over the last one hundred years, this theory in customer service seems to have fallen by the wayside. One quick search of this phrase on Google […]

How and Why You Should Tag Your Tweets

How and  Why You Should Tag Your Tweets What is a # Tag (Hash Tag)? A # Tag is just a way to group together related tweets. By using a # Tag, you and your followers can easily see everything that has been said about an event or subject.  A # Tag is made up […]

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