We started the “top 25” blog list a few weeks ago for the best Search Engine Optimization and Search Engine Marketing blogs. Just recently seomoz.org released their own version of a “top 25” the other day with a ton of extra metrics added to it for all the super-nerds like myself that want to see […]
Update: Best SEO/SEM Blogs, Week 3
After taking a look at it, we are going to publish this list every other week. It’s not that it takes a long time, but we’re not talking about the AP Football Poll, where teams can fall dramatically on any given Saturday. The Alexa rankings, although compiled weekly, show little changed unless the sites are […]
Avalanche’s Top 25 SEO / SEM Blogs – Week 2
No big changes this week, though I became aware that I missed Justilien’s blog. He creeps into the ones to watch at the expense of the blog Search Engine War. At the bottom of the rankings are notes explaining the criteria for ranking (goes beyond pure Alexa rankings). If you know of a SEO or […]
Avalanche’s Top 25 SEO / SEM Blogs – Week 1
Looking to Keep up with the ever-changing world of Search Engine Marketing and Optimization? Each week we will post the “Top 25” SEO/SEM blogs, giving a nod to Viral Garden’s ever-changing rankings of the top 25 Marketing blogs for the idea. Inclusion – somewhat subjective, since some blogs cover a variety of subject matter. Basically, […]
Link Building 101 – How it Will Help Your Company Sell More on the Web
What is your company’s plan for garnering the business of customers roaming the Internet? Perhaps you’ve realized that high rankings in the Search Engines tie in closely with increased revenue, but how are those rankings achieved, and who can/should do undertake this project for your organization? This brief rundown on the concept of links and […]
Monetizing Your Website Via Adsense – Experiencing a Dip in Revenue?
<p><img class=”alignright” border=”1″ src=”http://www.avalancheinternetmarketing.com/wp-content/uploads/2006/08/google%20adsense.gif” alt=”Google Adsense Smart Pricing” />Does the business/publishing model of your website rely on Google Adsense for monetization? Have you noticed substantial dips in revenue lately? There are a couple causes for these recent decreases in Adsense publisher earnings and actionable steps you may take to reverse this.<!–mep-nl–><code style=’display: none;’><!–more–></p><p> <h3>Google Adwords […]
New MSN Adcenter Changes Include Arch-Rival Firefox
MSN Adcenter, the Microsoft challenge to the pay-per-click advertising empire of Google Adwords recently alerted advertisers that they will make the following upgrades on Saturday, August 5, between 10 A.M. and 12 A.M.(Midnight) EST.
Google Sounds the Death Knell for Job Search Sites?
Finding jobs has become considerably easier since the days of poring over classified ads and mailing resumes out across the nation like a hungry fisherman hoping for a nibble. Google though, has taken it up a notch by providing a default job search service that may soon upset the apple cart of all the smaller […]
Google AdWords Update – Quality Scores – Click Prices
I was particularly troubled in mid July to see Google Adwords keywords being inactivated within my various ad campaigns. Google alerted me within the control panel that new bid prices were required to re-activate these keywords. The new bid prices were anywhere from 100-1000% higher than previous bids.
Best Browser for Internet Marketing? Firefox!
Firefox has a multitude of extensions that add functionality to Firefox which support our Internet Marketing efforts. The first of which that we examine was just released and has created quite a buzz in the Internet Marketing community.